Outdoor Federation

Things to Note if You Are a Bushcraft Beginner

Bushcraft is the activity of wilderness survival that involves making use of natural materials to help you live in the wild. Bushcraft skills include things like fire-making, shelter building, and hunting and gathering. If you’re interested in learning bushcraft skills, there are a few things you should note before getting started.

Things to Note if You Are a Bushcraft Beginner

Safety First

Safety is always the top priority when it comes to bushcraft. Whether you are camping in the wilderness or just practicing survival skills in your backyard, taking the necessary precautions to stay safe is essential.

Remember Your Hierarchy of Needs

In order to be successful in bushcraft, it is important to remember your hierarchy of needs. The first step is to make sure you are physically safe and have the necessary supplies. Once you have taken care of your basic needs, you can focus on meeting your psychological needs. This includes things like having a sense of control over your environment and feeling connected to others. By remembering your hierarchy of needs, you can stay focused and effective in any situation.

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Observe Your Surroundings

The ability to observe one’s surroundings is an important skill for bushcraft. The ability to see what is going on around you, both near and far, can help you stay safe while in the wilderness. Being able to notice changes in your environment, such as a storm brewing, can help you make the necessary preparations to stay safe. Additionally, being observant can help you find food and shelter in the wilderness.

Get Permission

One of the most important aspects of bushcraft is getting permission to use the land. This ensures that you are respecting the property rights of the landowners and are not trespassing. It can also help to build relationships with landowners, which can lead to future opportunities for recreation or hunting on their property.

Leave No Trace

Leaving No Trace helps to protect the environment. When practicing Leave No Trace, you are taught to minimize your impact on the environment. This means that you take steps to avoid disturbing the natural environment and dispose of any waste properly. By following the principles of Leave No Trace, you can help preserve the natural beauty of the outdoors for future generations.

Is Bushcraft Hard for Beginner?

Bushcraft can be hard for beginner because it require certain skills and knowledge that takes time to learn. In order to become proficient in bushcraft, you need to be able to start with the basics and build your skills from there. In order to learn the basics, it is best to have a good mentor. With their wealth of experience and knowledge, mentors can teach you the ropes and help you avoid making costly mistakes. They can also provide support and encouragement when things get tough, helping you to stay motivated on your bushcraft journey.


In conclusion, there are many things to take into account when beginning bushcraft. It is important to be aware of your surroundings and to always practice safe techniques. With a little preparation and practice, you will be on your way to becoming a bushcraft expert in no time!

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