Outdoor Federation

Do You Sit on The Thwarts for White Water Rafting?

White water rafting is a thrilling and popular adventure sport. It involves riding in a raft on a river with powerful currents and rapids. The excitement of white water rafting comes from the challenge of navigating through the rapids while avoiding obstacles such as rocks and logs. It can be a very dangerous activity if done without proper instruction and experience, but it is also exhilarating and adrenaline-pumping.

do you sit on the thwarts for white water rafting

Can You Sit on The Thwarts?

We all know that when we are rafting down a river, sitting on the thwarts is the key to our success. But what if I told you that by sitting on the thwarts you are actually limiting your experience and putting yourself in danger?

In white water rafting, it is important that you be in the center of the raft. This will help keep the boat more stable and allow you to help navigate. If you are sitting on the thwarts, you will not be able to do either of those things.

In addition, when you are in the center of the raft, it gives you a better chance of avoiding obstacles. If something comes up suddenly and you are on the side of the raft, you may get thrown out or pulled under water.

Where Do You Sit on A Raft?

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to where to sit on a raft while white water rafting. Some people prefer to sit in the middle of the raft, while others prefer to be on the edge. It really depends on your comfort level and what you feel will work best for you.

If you’re worried about getting wet, sitting in the middle of the raft may be a good option for you. This is also a good choice if you want to avoid hitting your head on the bottom of the raft. However, if you want to have more control over your raft and feel more engaged in the experience, sitting on the edge may be a better choice for you.

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Ultimately, it’s up to you where you sit on the raft. The only exception to this is if you are going down a rapid and want to keep your feet on the side of the raft. In that case, it’s best to sit on the edge so you can easily move your feet when necessary.

What Do Thwarts Do on A Raft?

Rafting is a fun and popular summer activity, but before you hit the water, it’s important to know the basics about rafting equipment. Perhaps the most important piece of equipment on a raft is the thwart.

These are the cross tubes filled with air, which help give the raft it’s rigidity. Without thwarts, a raft would be flimsy and difficult to control. If you’re rafting with a group, it’s important to make sure that everyone is sitting in the right spot.

The front of the raft is usually for the driver, while passengers should sit in the back. Make sure not to overload the raft or you may end up capsizing.

Pros and Cons of Sitting on The Thwarts

Sitting on the thwarts is a popular choice because it gives you more stability and allows you to brace yourself against waves. It also keeps you higher off of the cold water and makes it easier to get back in your seat if you fall out. However, sitting on the thwarts can also be uncomfortable and it can be difficult to stay dry if you are not wearing a wet suit.

Pros and Cons of Sitting in The Middle

Sitting in the middle of a white water raft has several benefits. First and foremost, it’s the safest place to be. You’re less likely to fall out of the boat and you won’t get wetter than necessary. It’s also a great place to take pictures or film the action happening around you.

However, sitting in the middle can also be quite boring. If you don’t like getting wet, this is not the position for you.

Pros and Cons of Sitting in The Back

The thrill of white water rafting comes with an inherent risk. No one knows that better than the people who sit in the back of the raft.

For starters, those in the back are more likely to get wet. Not only does the person in the back have to constantly paddle, they’re also at risk of being thrown out of the raft if it flips over.

On the other hand, sitting in the back offers some advantages. First and foremost, it’s a lot less work. The person in the back doesn’t have to paddle as hard as those in the front, which means they can save their energy for when it’s really needed.

Pros and Cons of Sitting on the Edge

Sitting on the edge of a raft gives you an incredible feeling of speed and power as you rush through the white water. It can also be incredibly exhilarating to feel the spray on your face and the water pounding against the raft.

However, sitting on the edge can also be dangerous. If you fall out of the raft, you could easily be pulled under or hit by debris. In addition, sitting on the edge makes it difficult to stay in the raft if it flips over.


In conclusion, while sitting on the thwarts provides an enjoyable experience for white water rafting, it does not provide the same level of excitement and thrill as riding in the raft. For the best experience, riders should be sure to sit in the raft and enjoy the rushing water and spectacular views.

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